Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spring 2011 changes

Students considering registering for this course in Spring 2011 should keep in mind that there will be a few changes made next semester.

Since the enrollment cap has been raised to 200, the class will necessarily be less writing-intensive. There will be a midterm and a final exam, and no research paper or applied project. The course will still require participation in a variety of social media platforms, but the format of the exercises will change to scale more effectively for such a large class.

The general principles of the class will remain the same, although the readings will be subject to change as new developments emerge, or as I decide to emphasize different aspects of each area studied.

Feel free to ask any questions about the course in the comments below.

Visual media assignment

For those of you who weren’t in class Thursday, the current assignment is twofold:

  1. Share a photo via Twitter using Twitpic or another service (for help, see the screencasts on the Week 7 Resources page);
  2. Sign up for an account at (which now requires a Yahoo account as well). Email me to let me know your yahoo address or Flickr account name, and I will invite you to the class group. Once you’ve joined the group, you need to:
    • upload a photo to your account;
    • add the appropriate tags;
    • share it with the class group.

Since technical difficulties kept me from getting this information out sooner, you have until this Thursday (October 14) to complete this assignment.

Welcome to MCO494

This site is where you will find the most complete and up to date information about the Social Media course at Arizona State University for Fall 2010. You can find the class policies, list of assignments (and more detailed instructions as they become available), syllabus, and other resources. I strongly recommend that you subscribe to the RSS feed of this blog, since this is where I will post any changes, updates, and reminders relating to the course.

Feel free to use the comments function below to ask general questions about the course. Depending on the nature of your question, though, you may be better served by using the #MCO494 hashtag on Twitter (for timely inquiries), asking in class, stopping by my office hours, or emailing. There are plenty of ways to find out what you need to know.